Bergamo: 4 - 5 June 2026

On this page you can find a profile of the prestigious sponsors and partners who took part in interzum forum italy.

In partnership with:

AIPI Associazione Italiana dei Professionisti dell'Interior Design

I ‘m happy to introduce to you AIPI Associazione Italiana dei Professionisti dell'Interior Design , the esteemed Italian Association of Professional Interior Designers that was established in 1969 at the vibrant city of Milan, a place that has long been at the vanguard of fashion and design. Since its inception, AIPI has grown to become an authority in the field of interior design, not only within Italy but also on the European  and international stage as a member of IFI International Federation of Interior architects/designers , ECIA European council of Interior architects, as well with prestigious partnerships Maison&object Paris, D3 Dubai Design District, the GZDW Ghuanzhou Design Week and al last with the Koelnmesse.

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Assofermet Ferramenta gathers in Italy the dealers of hardware distribution. The association is the meeting point of wholesalers, distributors and retailers of different sizes, able to represent the strength of the Italian hardware and tools in the entire industry chain.


Bergamo Chamber of commerce

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Camera di Commercio Italo-Germanica (AHK Italien)

The Italian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Italien), based in Milan, is the official representation of the Germany economy in Italy.
We act on behalf of the German Ministry of Economy and Climate to promote the economic relations between Italian and to give voice to the needs and interests of the German-Italian business community.



CATAS is the leading European institute for testing, product certification and research in the wood and furniture sector.
With over fifty years of experience, CATAS is a special partner for companies in the development of products, in evaluating their safety and in verifying that their performance meets the needs of the market and the requirements defined by the technical standards. Training of companies on these issues pursued with its own dedicated section, the CATAS Academy, combined with testing and certification activities represent the mission of CATAS, which is to contribute to making the products in this sector safer and more durable.

One of the latest services is the measurement activity of the environmental impacts of a product based on the LCA- LCA-Life Cycle Assessment protocol, a method carried out according to international standards (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044), recognized worldwide.

Catas has also been operating as LCA practitioner for companies in the wood-furniture sector and beyond, helping them in carrying out LCA studies, as a precious source of information for defining and improving products from an environmental perspective ("Ecodesign") and reference point for a transparent and objective environmental communication.


CDO Bergamo

CDO Bergamo was born at the end of the 1980s, out of the caring experience of the Solidarity Centres: a group of friends who was used to get together to help those in search of work. The initial idea is developed and takes shape in Article 1 of the Statute and over the years, more than 6,000 companies have placed their trust in the project, leading CDO Bergamo to grow and become an institutional entity represented in the Board and Council of the Chamber of Commerce.


Confartigianato Imprese Bergamo

Confartigianato Imprese Bergamo was founded in May 1945, is the leading trade union organisation in the province of Bergamo for the protection of craft enterprises.

The primary purpose of the organisation is to carry out trade union actions for the protection of the collective interests of craft enterprises and of the Craftsmen in general. 

Another task is the support for the more than 14,000 member entrepreneurs, providing concrete assistance and specific support to craftsmen in all sectors in solving the problems that are a daily feature of business life.


Confcommercio - Imprese per l'Italia Bergamo

Confcommercio - Imprese per l'Italia Bergamo was born in 1945 and grown around the needs of Bergamo companies.

The association, which represents entrepreneurs in trade, tourism and services and is open to the world of professions and nurseries, offers comprehensive assistance and advice for all problems right from the very first moments of activity.
It is part of the large Confcommercio Imprese per l'Italia family, the largest business representation in Europe, representing over 700,000 companies with almost 2.7 million employees. The Confederation values the role of the tertiary market sector, the true engine of the national economy, in national institutions.


Confindustria Bergamo

Confindustria Bergamo is a no-profit association of businesses, representing the
industrial companies and the services sector of Bergamo area, for a total of
approximately 1,307 companies and 88,560 people. The Association is based on three
pillars: Identity, Representation and Services. Aim of Confindustria Bergamo is to support
companies’ economic development, to represent their views and values before the
Institutions, to collaborate with other key players of the area and to provide a range of
services to the Members.
Confindustria Bergamo operates in an industrial area focused on advanced
manufacturing integrated with technological services and with a strong focus on



CSIL is an independent research and consulting company founded in Milan (Italy) in 1980, with a core business unit specialized in furniture and furnishings industry studies, offering a wide range of services in response to specific needs. CSIL Furniture Market Research monitors over 100 markets, gathering data on the furniture sector as a whole and sub-segments: Upholstered furniture, Mattresses, Office & Workplaces, Contract furniture, Outdoor furniture, Kitchen furniture, Bathroom furniture, and Wood-based panels. Thanks to an in-depth knowledge of the entire furniture value chain, CSIL supports companies, public institutions, and trade associations in their process of selection and analysis of market opportunities on a global scale and in the formulation of development marketing strategies.




Osservatori Digital Innovation del Politecnico di Milano

In 1999, the Digital Innovation Observatories of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano were established to raise cultural awareness in all the main areas of digital innovation. Today, the Observatories provide an expert point of reference for digital innovation, integrating Research work, Communication and Continuous UpdateAccording to the vision driving the work of the Observatories, digital innovation is a key element of a country’s development.  The mission is to create and spread knowledge on the opportunities and the impact of digital technology on companies, public authorities and citizens through interpretative models based on sound empirical evidence combined with spaces for independent, ongoing, and precompetitive discussions aimed at bringing together the demand-and offer-sides of Digital Innovation.

Website!, founded by Politecnico di Milano in 1999, is a university institution of acknowledged excellence that represents a unique research and post-graduate, professional and business training centre.
Together with the School of Design and the Department of Design, it forms the Design System of the Politecnico di Milano, an aggregate of resources, skills, structures and laboratories, among the most important in the world. offers training programs for young graduates and professionals - specializing Masters and Executive Courses designed to explore the culture of design at 360° - as well as services for companies in the field of training.
It works with the perspective of internationalization, establishing purpose partnerships from time to time with universities, schools, institutions, corporations and companies around the world.



The European House - Ambrosetti is a professional Group, with 300 professionals, operating since 1965, which has grown significantly over the years, thanks also to the contributions of many of its Partners, developing numerous activities in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world. Today the Group has three offices in Italy and many abroad, in addition to other partnerships around the world. What distinguishes it is its ability to provide support to companies in the integrated and synergic management of the four critical aspects of value-creating processes: Seeing, Planning, Achieving and Optimizing. For over 50 years we have been working alongside Italian businesses and each year we provide consulting to about 1,500 clients, including more than three hundred and fifty strategic scenarios and studies aimed at Italian and European institutions and companies, and around one hundred and twenty governance pacts for family-run businesses. In addition, each year about 3,000 Italian and international experts are involved in more than 750 events we organize for over 18,000 managers whom we follow in their personal and professional paths to growth.

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Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) is a young public, state-funding, academic institution, established in 1998, strongly committed towards higher education, research, and innovation. With about 1107 teachers and researchers and 836 administrative and technical staff, UNIMIB has a wide training offer, with 32 Bachelor’s Degree courses, 34 Master’s Degree courses and 5 Long-cycle Master’s Degree courses. Out of the 38.000 enrolled students, about 2500 are international, favoured also by an intense mobility programme featuring Erasmus students from all over Europe and exchange ones all over the world.
This is complemented by 19 PhD programmes in 7 subject areas, with a dedicated Doctoral School fostering interdisciplinary studies, cross-subject skills, international student exchanges and a wide range of services and opportunities.
UNIMIB since its foundation established a strong commitment to foster innovation, between its missions Technology Transfer has always had a role of paramount importance, and this is reflected by the collaborations and projects with the industrial ecosystem on the territory characterized by several examples of successful initiatives and results and reciprocal esteem and recognition between UNIMIB and big industrial players.
